Challenged Accepted

So I’ve been neglecting this blog for too long now.  I was recently invited to take part in the Start Experience in connection with John Acuff’s book Start.  I had to pick a challenge for the next 24 days and I choose to challenge myself to write here three times a week.

I imagine I’ll have some new readers from the experience reading this blog starting yesterday or today.  To the new readers I say ‘welcome.’  This blog has gone through a couple of iterations since I registered the domain name.  It is meant to be a space where I can practice and hone my writing muscles.

Part of the problem I have in writing is not having a specific topic.  I write music reviews at another site and that is marginally easier for me because I have a centered focus:  the album and the artist.  Here it is kind of free form.  I’ve kicked around writing about information technology since I work in the field.  I’ve kicked around writing about music because I do reviews and because I do a podcast dedicated to independent music.  I’ve thought about writing humorous observations.

Needless to say I’m pretty ADD about the whole writing experience so I really can’t tell you what to expect over the next 24 days in terms of content.  Since I haven’t been assigned a challenge partner yet, to any of you reading from the Experience consider this my goal for today:  write something and post it.

Feedback is always appreciated.

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Review: Content Everywhere: Strategy and Structure for Future-ready Content by Sara Wachter-Boettcher; Rosenfeld Media

I was given this book as part of the O’reilly Blogger review program.  I have had the book finished for a little catover a month now, but I have been putting off in writing this review for many a reason, none the least of which is my lack of confidence in what I am doing as a writer these days.

Having said that I do owe a review for the book and I had the sudden realization that it doesn’t have to be a Hemingway novel to qualify as a good review.  So here it goes.

Sara Wachter-Boettcher is an independent content strategist, writer, editor, and consultant. She has written a much needed treatise without resorting to a dry, academic style.  If you work in web development, content development, web design, database design, or any field that requires you to break down and reassemble data into a usable format this book is for you.  Don’t let the cover fool you.  While the book primarily deals in web terms, there is a lot to be gleaned from this book for other people.

This book is a high level treatise on designing content for the coming years.  It is a challenge to break content down in to pieces that are usable in many applications.  The World Wide Web as we know it is an every changing animal.  We are no longer able to depend on a static page of information to serve as a viable representation of who we are as companies or individuals.

The web isn’t just being viewed on the 17 inch CRT monitors of yesterday.  It exists on cell phones, tablets, 24 inch flat screen monitors, and 72 inch flat screen tv’s in Hi-def.  Our challenge is how to tailor the data in a way that is usable in all circumstances or as near as all circumstances as we can get.

This breaks down into four parts.  The first part covers content strategies, what they are, and why we need them.  The second part discusses content, what it is, what it isn’t, and breaking data down to its most usable form.  The third part moves into a practical case study of how to make the most efficient use of content.  Keep in mind this is a higher level book, there isn’t a lot about specific coding.  You won’t find 5 steps to make your HTML more responsive, but you will find reasons why responsive design must be on your radar.  The fourth part is a primer to help the content manager make a case with those outside.  It is the type of no nonsense information that would have prevent many a blinking gif by a well meaning manager ten years ago.

All in all I can say this book should be on your list, especially if you are currently working or looking at working in a position that requires a consistent approach to presenting data in an ongoing capacity.  I don’t currently work in a web based position and I still have found plenty to think about and apply to the reporting work that I do in my current position.

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Notes from the road

Vacation how I have missed thee.  While my wife, sister in-law, and niece are out running around a theme park I took a day away from everything.  I’m not a big fan of theme parks.  I didn’t grow up going to them on a regular basis.  I went to a few in high school, but never did get into the whole roller coaster/thrill ride aspect of things.

So I spent the day hunting through a used book store(Midtown Scholar highly recommended if you are in the Harrisburg area).  I shopped for and bought a Father’s Day card.  I spent an hour and half working on my music blog/podcast/webcast site which is probably more time than I’ve spent in the whole of last month.

Then I tried to figure out how to get someone to cover my salary and healthcare for the next two years so I could pour more time in the site and more coffee into my stomach at the same time.  Alas I haven’t come up with a good answer for the later, but I’ll keep my eyes open for any generous contributors.

I’ve had more time to write this week.  That’s not entirely true, I think being released from the pressure of day to day work has allowed me to think that I’ve had more time to write.  I’ve written stuff at lunch in the past month, nothing I’ve been willing to share yet, but I have written.

I needed a vacation to recalibrate, get back to thinking about the things that get me motivated.  I’m not going to make any outrageous promises to write more here.  I’d like to think it will happen naturally and it will when it becomes enough of a priority in my life.  Until then I will give into fear and make excuses about how busy I am and how much I really don’t have to share with anyone.

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Insert witty title here

This is more a test post than anything.  It seems the last two or three entries I’ve made did not show up on Twitter and I’m wondering if its an issue with the plug-in or an issue with posting from an iPad.

Here’s the trailer for Joss Whedon’s version of ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ to keep you entertained.

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Scenes from a frustrated dreamer

I guess it was bound to hit sooner or later. I think I got used to this idea of having all of the free time in the world. Seems like, lately at least, I’m paddling to keep my head above water.

I know I need to cut myself some slack. Things will eventually even out and I will have more time to dream and to learn. It is just very frustrating at the moment because I felt like maybe I was building some momentum towards getting Idiosyncratic Transmissions update on a more regular basis. I might even *gasp* have found time to write more personal musings as well.

Or at least find time to write about something other than this overwhelming frustration I’m dealing with. God help me I’ve got to find a way to let go of EVERYTHING I want to do right now. It can wait and most of it isn’t so important that it will be missed if I don’t ever get around to doing it.

Bottom line, my dreams or desires simply cannot trump the relationships I have and I need to remember that in the midst of my frustration.

Now excuse me, I have a wife to hug and a book to read.

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One other thing

I’ve decided to go back to my old blogging title. I think I was, in some small way, psyching myself out with the new title. It felt like it should be the title of a productivity blog or a life coaching blog. That isn’t me. I barely keep things organized on a good day. It would be the classic illustration of the blind leading the blind, if the leading blind we’re a window treatment of some kind. No offensive to the visually impaired meant by the preceding statement either.

Plus “Percute Statera” had pretension written all over it.

There is a level of comfort associated with the Crackpot title. Hopefully that will give me more incentive or maybe less hang up about writing. I don’t feel like I’m trying to live up to something I’m not.

So yeah, I guess sometimes you can go home.

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It has been a long day. I feel like I’ve not done a good job of keeping up with blogging here or at my podcast’s site. I’m hoping with the mini iPad I’ll be able to do more in terms of writing, even if its in the form of short missives such as this.

I’ve had this idea to do some humor or comedy writing here. Not sure how that will play out. I’m good with a quip every now and again, but I don’t know if I have the chops to sustain a long form humor composition. I feel bad about not writing more, not that I have a huge audience that I’m letting down. I’d like to think I was disappointing someone other than myself. I’m not going to get delusional about it though.

So yeah, that’s kind of where I am at the moment. It’s nice being able to hack out a small composition from wherever I am. I hope I can continue to take advantage of my time to do some writing, even if its only a little bit every now and then.

This was composed on my new iPad. It will most likely be posted from the iPad as well. Small nitpick not being able to touch type on a small keyboard. May have to look into a full Bluetooth keyboard sometime down the road.

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And in with the new

Going into the new year I’ve set a new group of goals that will be my primary focus.  I also have a few unwritten goals that I’m mulling about.  The one thing I may do different this year is a mid-year check to see where I am and if the stated goals match up to the direction life seems to be pulling me.

1.  Lose more weight.  Ideally my weight should be somewhere around 185, but I’ve got a long way to go before I get there.  My goal for this year is to get somewhere between 250 and 260 which is very attainable(roughly 1 – 2 lbs per week).  No earth shattering plans:  Eat better foods.  Eat food in sensible quantities.  Exercise more.

2.  Get the established webcast sounding more professional.  Part of this is actually producing ID’s and liners as well as pulling together playlists and shows.  The other part is to parse through my music collection.  I have a personal standard of what musical content I’m willing to broadcast.  I’ve got some music that doesn’t fall into those self imposed standards.  I’m sure I may have more, but I haven’t done an intentional, comprehensive listening to find out.  I’d like to get 50% of the way through cataloging for those standards by the end of the year.

3.  Get one major debt paid off.  We’ve sat down and budgeted all of our money for the entire year for known bills.  The next step is to get a little more saved as I know we have some out of the ordinary bills coming up and then take debt down.

I have some other negotiable goals including possibly working on getting Microsoft certifications, more writing here, getting a book completed this year, and a few others I’ll keep to myself for now.  The important thing, for me, is to cut myself some slack when things don’t always match up to where I think they should be.

This past week for example.  I didn’t get anything done as far as blogging at Idiosyncratic Transmissions or here.  I didn’t get much done around the house as far as organizing the office, cataloging music, or getting a better picture of what debt we have.  It was a busy week.  As stressing as that is, it’s only the second week of the year.  There is plenty of time to get things done.  Plus, I made time for my wife and my friends which is more important anyway.

So that’s what’s on the horizon for me.  Plus I’ve committed, in the short term, to use part of my lunch hour each day to just write.  I keep wishing I was a better writer, but I’m not practicing enough so I can’t really complain.  So far, the two days that I’ve written, it has been immensely enjoyable and freeing.  Hopefully I stick with it long enough for it to become a habit.

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Out with the old…

I, for one, welcome the new year with open arms.  It isn’t that 2012 was a horrible year.  In many ways it was a great year of growth and opportunity, tinged with moments of sadness and an undeniable realization that my body isn’t getting any younger.

Not that I’m falling apart or anything.  I just feel aches a little more often and I feel like I’ve been sick more than I’ve been well.  Overall my general health is better now than it was at the beginning of the year.

So here is my take on the year starting with the goals I set at the beginning of the year:

1.  Get weight under 300 lbs.  I started at 335ish and as of last week I was 316 with an all time low of 308.  Not bad all things considered and I would’ve gone closer to 300 if it wasn’t for the gout flare up, tendinitis flare up, and year end cold that kept me out of the gym.  Not a total win, not at total loss.  Brings me down quite a bit from the 350 a couple years ago.

2.  Get webcast on air.  This has happened with a fledgling station set up at  While it lacks station ID’s and any real sense of schedule, it is a start and it is on my terms.  I have big plans for it going into 2013.  This, by far, is where I could spend most of my time, but bills need to be paid and this isn’t pulling in enough money to cover it’s own expenses yet.

3.  Get one credit card/debt paid off.  This was a failed goal.  We made ground on getting things paid down, but didn’t get anything paid off.  There were a couple of large medical bills, a car that had to be replaced, and a few other surprises that pushed this back.  Fortunately I’ve got all of the known expenses mapped out for 2013.

Having a better paying job really helps with making goal three more of a reality in the coming year.  That was a highlight of the year for me.  After 15 years and several attempts to strike out to new ventures, this happened in an unexpected whirlwind.  I think the process lasted maybe 30 days from first conversation to first day at the new job.  All the more odd because I wasn’t looking for a new job at the time.  I didn’t particularly relish leaving behind good friends and a comfortable job.  The trade-offs are new challenges to keep my on my toes and, not to be too superficial, more money.

Granted the new job has altered my available time quite a bit.  I don’t have as much time to check Twitter or Facebook throughout the week.  Plus it has taken a toll on my writing output as evidenced by two facts:  1.  The amount of time between the last entry and this one 2. The fact that I started writing this entry two weeks ago.

I have a new plan for doing more writing though and I hope to stick to it in the coming weeks.  I would ask if you had any big plans or goals for 2013, but it seems the time has past for it to feel like a relevant question.  Still, feel free to share if you are inclined to do so.  I will be sharing my goals for the new year in the coming week.

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If I could share one piece of advice that I believe is pretty pertinent I would say “Don’t beat yourself up.”  I know you’re thinking you’ve bit off more than you can chew and maybe you have.  Just remember to keep chewing and take smaller bites as you move along.

Good advice for dieting, good advice for life in general.

Don’t spend too much time looking at the big picture.  Getting the big picture is important to long term success.  However, if don’t break things down to manageable chunks you will find yourself overwhelmed.

You know how you get when you are overwhelmed.  Cranky, depressed, and feeling like there is no hope.  There is always hope.  Don’t allow yourself to become paralyzed.  Put one foot in front of the other, put one word after the other, and read one more line.  Even if, especially if you don’t feel like doing it.  I’m not saying you should always force yourself if you hit a mental roadblock, but nine times out of ten that push against yourself will put you on the road to action.

In the end you may make mistakes, learn from them.  In the end you may find success, learn from it as well.  Never stop learning.

Don’t neglect God, your family, or your friends.  They will be the glue that holds your sanity together when your world is falling apart.  Your career and hobbies can wait.

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