I, for one, welcome the new year with open arms. It isn’t that 2012 was a horrible year. In many ways it was a great year of growth and opportunity, tinged with moments of sadness and an undeniable realization that my body isn’t getting any younger.
Not that I’m falling apart or anything. I just feel aches a little more often and I feel like I’ve been sick more than I’ve been well. Overall my general health is better now than it was at the beginning of the year.
So here is my take on the year starting with the goals I set at the beginning of the year:
1. Get weight under 300 lbs. I started at 335ish and as of last week I was 316 with an all time low of 308. Not bad all things considered and I would’ve gone closer to 300 if it wasn’t for the gout flare up, tendinitis flare up, and year end cold that kept me out of the gym. Not a total win, not at total loss. Brings me down quite a bit from the 350 a couple years ago.
2. Get webcast on air. This has happened with a fledgling station set up at IdiosyncraticTransmissions.com. While it lacks station ID’s and any real sense of schedule, it is a start and it is on my terms. I have big plans for it going into 2013. This, by far, is where I could spend most of my time, but bills need to be paid and this isn’t pulling in enough money to cover it’s own expenses yet.
3. Get one credit card/debt paid off. This was a failed goal. We made ground on getting things paid down, but didn’t get anything paid off. There were a couple of large medical bills, a car that had to be replaced, and a few other surprises that pushed this back. Fortunately I’ve got all of the known expenses mapped out for 2013.
Having a better paying job really helps with making goal three more of a reality in the coming year. That was a highlight of the year for me. After 15 years and several attempts to strike out to new ventures, this happened in an unexpected whirlwind. I think the process lasted maybe 30 days from first conversation to first day at the new job. All the more odd because I wasn’t looking for a new job at the time. I didn’t particularly relish leaving behind good friends and a comfortable job. The trade-offs are new challenges to keep my on my toes and, not to be too superficial, more money.
Granted the new job has altered my available time quite a bit. I don’t have as much time to check Twitter or Facebook throughout the week. Plus it has taken a toll on my writing output as evidenced by two facts: 1. The amount of time between the last entry and this one 2. The fact that I started writing this entry two weeks ago.
I have a new plan for doing more writing though and I hope to stick to it in the coming weeks. I would ask if you had any big plans or goals for 2013, but it seems the time has past for it to feel like a relevant question. Still, feel free to share if you are inclined to do so. I will be sharing my goals for the new year in the coming week.